Advocacy for Betterment of Medical Medical Laboratory Professionals

We are here to end the mis handling of Professionals

We are here to advocate for the betterment of the Medical Laboratory Professionals welfare in terms of better pay, good working and deployment conditions, better take home package after retirement, protection of the rights of the Professionals at work and after work.

Training of Medical Laboratory Professionals

To keep the Professionals well Acquainted with the current advancements in technology

The society shall conduct various trainings for the professionals to keep them up to date with the advancements in technology in laboratory medicine. The trainings shall be on new equipment used in the laboratory, use of RDTs, Leadership and management, Home management and family development, Entrepreneural Development and Life skills among others

Membership Registration

We are doing this to know our numbers

The society does registration of the eligible medical laboratory professionals from time to time. This shall be done through the database found on the society’s website. The register will periodically be updated.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Giving back to the Community

MLSU develops and implements Corporate social responsibility programs for the benefit of the professionals and community as a whole.


Continuous Professional Development

Continuous Professional Development shall be conducted by the society from time to time to keep the professionals up to date with the prevailing technological advancements in the Lab and also the new trends in the management of client samples, new scientific inventions of patient care, RDT advancements among others. These shall be done through a well organized and planned CPD conducted by the society.

Scientific Conferences and Symposia

The Society shall organize annual scientific conferences and symposia for the professionals to have a platform to present the findings and researches done so that they can effect improvements in better service delivery in the laboratory medicine. This conference shall be a three day activity for the Medical Laboratory Professionals. This conference shall include expeditions and displays from the service providers dealing directly with the lab or indirectly with the lab.

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